Vegan red lentil crepes with charred cabbage

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Beautiful golden crepes made from red lentils. Topped with creamy hummus and lovely sticky cabbage, firstly charred on the griddle then baked in balsamic, maple syrup and thyme. Delicious.

The crepes are very simple to make, tasty, high protein and a gluten free option as they are made from red lentils!

All you need to do is soak your lentils, add some spices and water and blitz to a smooth and creamy paste. To cook you need to heat a frying pan to medium, ladle in the batter, swirl and allow to cook on one side then flip to cook through. Easy and and very tasty indeed.

I topped with with some super creamy hummus and sticky charred then baked cabbage. If you don’t think cabbage is exciting or delicious then you haven’t tried it like this! Its wonderful.

I hope you love it, let me know what you think.

Love, Niki xxx

The post Vegan red lentil crepes with charred cabbage appeared first on Rebel Recipes.

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