The RR Pantry 20 Pantry Staples for a Vegan Kitchen

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We’ve all been there. You finally have a quick few minutes to spare and you decide that, yes that tiny bit of YOU time has finally come. You’re going to sit down with a well-deserved brew and leisurely flick through your newest recipe books for some weekend cooking inspo. Aaah, yes, perfection! You choose some delicious recipes to whip up, go to the fridge and cupboards in excited anticipation…. alas! you despair when they open to find they’re all heavily lacking the majority of ingredients you need! Que an annoying trip to the shops before you can even begin on your culinary masterpiece. 

So, how do we solve this fiasco? By ensuring those cupboards are always stocked with some simple staples of course, so that in a moment’s notice you can get cooking!And as always we are here for you with our top 20 list of staples we think every vegan kitchen should possess! ~

Nutritional Yeast

Nutty, Cheesy, Creamy – all words we can use to describe this incredible addition to our pantry. It makes the perfect cheese sauce (with cashews), we love it sprinkled on veg chillis, stirred into mash or used to give a nutty flavour to soups, stews and more. We love this one as it has added B12!


Some good starter options would be buckwheat, gram, spelt, rye and teff. We always find a large bag of oats are great to have in the pantry too as you can always whizz a portion up quickly to use in baking. We use flours for weekend pancakes, easy flatbreads, cakes, tarts and crepes. We love this Teff  for starters and these mini spelt pizzas are a lovely way to try out one of our suggested flours with.


An absolute necessity. Sweet and savoury dishes, baking, porridge toppers, nut butters, snacks – the options are endless. Some personal favourites here at the RebelRecipes office are cashews, macadamias, pistachios and of course, our beloved Peanut. An interesting way to use peanuts is in these delicious spiced pumpkin muffins with PB frosting (can we get a YUM?!)

Beans – all types

Some personal favourites are aduki, chickpeas, butter and haricot – all of which are packed with protein and fibre. They are nutrient dense so are a super addition to stews, chillis and soups or they make really creamy dips! Stock up with some of our favourites here

Dried Fruits

Our absolute must-haves would be dates, figs, sultanas and apricots – chopped apricots can bring a lovely sweet element to dahl for example, they’re not just for sweet dishes! These energy bliss balls are also a great recipe that use dates and are perfect to make at the weekend and store in the fridge for your weekday snacks. 


We absolutely love Marigold Swiss Vegetable Bouillon and it works brilliantly in a multiple of dishes and for the perfect “cheeseless” cheese sauce with cashews, nutritional yeast, lemon juice, garlic + paprika. So easy! 

Try this sensational moroccan spiced soup by our Niki….


The Tideford long fermented is an absolute winner. Absolutely transforms a standard cauli with a little tahini (another of our staples below) with this fab cauliflower steaks recipe. A great miso is this brown rice version from Clearspring.


Add this excellent addition and Niki’s fave – to energy balls and dips. Its also an essential ingredient to make the perfect hummusand dressings. This simple rice salad recipe uses tahini in its dressing and it just divine. 

This Indigo Herbs white sesame version is a firm favourite. Super duper creamy. 

As is the most creamy Tahini which can be eaten by the spoon full by Belazu! Its amazing!


Seaweed is a real super superfood. It is absolutely packed with nutrients – high in fibre and protein. A Sea Salad is a really lovely and simple way to try seaweed and introduce it into your diet. We love this one by the Cornish Seaweed Company – incredible sprinkled on salads or in soups or mixed into mashed potatoes.

This incredible smoked seaweed rapeseed oil by Dr Seaweed Seaweed & Co is such an innovative product and really lovely to stirfry your veg in. 

Frozen fruit

Always always always. Blueberries, Raspberries and Cherries are all you need to pimp up your morning porridge or yoghurt bowl and can easily be whizzed up in smoothies or heated and mushed to make delicious quick chia jams or compotes. 


Because porridge is a breakfast staple and no porridge is complete without oats at its core! We absolutely adore the Rude Health Sprouted version – the oats are sprouted making their nutrients more readily available and more easily digested. Winning. 


There are just so many ways to really make this simple vegetable super tasty. A magical ingredient and often underestimated. Take Niki’s recipe for her spring salad with new potato hasslebacks…what a marvel. 


A variety is good and there are some really great seed mixes out there in supermarkets and health food shops – milled as well as whole. Black sesame seeds can give any dish that added bit of pizazz as a garnish and milled flaxseed is a really nutritious topping for your morning porridge, packed with omega 3’s. 

Plant based milk

An absolute necessity in any kitchen. Not only to really kickstart the day perfectly added to your morning coffee but in curries, porridge, bircher muesli, baking and more. Have a read of our blog post all about the new plant based milk generation to find out some of our faves that you need to be trying. So many amazing options but Rebel Kitchen is a firm favourite,


An excuse to NOT eat them, leave them to go overripe and THEN MAKE ALL THE BANANA BREAD. This caramelised one to be exact. 

Apple Cider Vinegar

Give a gut loving kick to dressings and sauces – the best we’ve found is Willy’s. Get some here. It’s also great in soups, hummus and homemade ketchup. 


Anything can be made better with a squeeze of lemon. A mouth-watering burst of acidity IS a thing of beauty and you can create it by adding a squeeze to any dish. And for those of you who just love lemon flavoured everything then this ones for you and is one of Niki’s most recreated recipes. Her Lemon Curd and Thyme Tart


A cracking addition to any stir fry… and have you tried roasting nuts with tamari and maple? Mmmmm. A favourite is this one here.

Good quality Olive Oil

A real game changer in any kitchen. Transform a simple tomato into a posh salad with a simple drizzle or use as a base in dressings. A soup is transformed with an insta-worthy swirl of golden olive oil too! This Belazuoil is just out of this world. 

Coconut products – yogurt, cream, flakes, milk

I would have coconut with everything if I could. A perfect day would consist of Coconut yoghurt topped granola for breakfast, a warming bowl of spicy coconut dhal for lunch and then a veg heavy Thai green curry for dinner! Add creaminess and deliciousness to any dish. This Mushroom Coconut Fried Rice really uses coconut perfectly. Give it a try and let us know how you get on!

The post The RR Pantry 20 Pantry Staples for a Vegan Kitchen appeared first on Rebel Recipes.

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