Roast Squash with creamy Hummus & Walnut Harissa dip

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The countdown to book launch is well and truely on now – I’m so excited. I think the first advance copies arrive in October so I can’t even imagine how it will feel to hold it in my hands for the first time! 

I’m also loving all the autumn veggies – this gorgeous Kabocha squash appeared in my organic box and was just waiting to be roasted and served on a bed of creamy hummus!!

I also made a delicious toasted walnut harrisa dip to dollop and stir into the hummus – seriously tasty! 

Did you notice I love roasting veg? Here’s a few reasons why I love it so much; 

It’s one of the easiest meals ever – I could eat a big bowl of roast veggies served with some dips or tahini sauce and toasted seeds everyday and probably not get bored.

It intensifies the flavour of most veg – roast cauliflower..mmm

And guess what – it’s actually a great way of preserving nutrients! 

So get roasting guys 😉

Love Niki xxx

The post Roast Squash with creamy Hummus & Walnut Harissa dip appeared first on Rebel Recipes.

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