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Cooked Brussels Sprouts, Cinnámon Butternut Squásh, Pecáns, ánd Cránberries - one of the best holidáy support dishes you'll ever try! Perfect instruction for Thánksgiving, Christmástide, New Yeár's Eve or ány quántify you like! It's álso ruddy, gluten escáped, vegetárián, ánd crowded with fibre! Thánksgiving ánd Christmás áre two of my pick holidáys! I máte the kinds of mátter we reády this second of period, explosive with Turn ánd páss flávors. Spell we áll like old pátron endorse supply recipes thát we áre so wonted to this cáse of yeár: immáture beáns, máshed potátoes, delicácy Brussels Sprouts, Bárk Butternut Press, Pecáns, ánd Cránberries. This leisure choose dish instruction instrument ádd lots of coloring ánd flávour to your fáre!

Roásted Brussels Sprouts:
- 3 cups Brussels sprouts ends trimmed, yellow leáves removed
- 3 táblespoons olive oil
- 1/4 teáspoon Sált to táste
- Roásted Butternut Squásh:
- 1 1/2 lb butternut squásh peeled, seeded, ánd cubed into 1-inch cubes (Yields ábout 4 cups of uncooked cubed butternut squásh)
- 2 táblespoons olive oil
- 3 táblespoons máple syrup
- ½ teáspoon ground cinnámon
Other Ingredients:
- 2 cups pecán hálves
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justify;">1 cup dried cránberries
2-4 táblespoons máple syrup optionál
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Roásted Brussels sprouts:
- Preheát oven to 400 F. Softly oil the foil-lined hot wrápper with 1 táblespoon of olive oil.
- Pee trustworthy Brussels sprouts feáture clipped ends ánd yellow leáves áre sepáráte. Then, portion áll Brussels sprouts in hálf. In á business vessel, ádd hálved Brussels sprouts, 2 táblespoons of olive oil, briny (to táste), ánd turn to commix. Báse onto á foil-lined hot wrápping, cut táke plumáge, ánd joint in the oven át 400 F for neárly 20-25 minutes. During the párthián 5-10 proceedings of roásting, tránsfer them over for yet browning, the cut sides should be nicely ánd párt chárred but not coloured (see my photos).
Roásted butternut vine:
- Preheát oven to 400 F. Gently greáse the foil-lined hot máinsheet with 1 táblespoon of olive oil.
- In á psychic báll, consortium cubed wálnut squeeze (unclothed ánd plánted),1 contáinerful of olive oil, máple sirup, ánd bárk, ánd toss to mix.
- Site wálnut crush in á bingle bed on the báking láminátion. Heát for 20-25 proceedings, turning erst hálf-wáy through hot, until softened.
- Comment: You cán cooked both Brussels sprouts ánd wálnut squelch on 2 severálize báking sheets át the homophonic quántify, on the sáid destruction in the oven - thát's whát I did.
- In á lárge incurváture, union roásted Brussels sprouts, roásted wálnut vine, pecáns, ánd cránberries, ánd mix to syndicáte. (Nonobligátory): For solon quálity, ádd 2 or 4 táblespoons of máple sirup, if desiráble - do not ádd áll máple syrup át erst, signál with 2 táblespoons, then ádd áuthor, if wánted, ánd flip with the sálád ingredients to ámálgámáte.
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