#KookMyKitchen – helpline

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I’m so proud to announce that I have launched a brand-new email helpline called#KookMyKitchen.

As we are all learning how to navigate this new and scary space, I wanted to be able to give back as much as I could from the safety of our own homes. As you all know, I adore sharing my recipes with you all and LOVE when you cook them and share your creations with me (and don’t worry – I’m going to continue to do so!).

But, I also know it can be quite difficult right now to find certain ingredients or know what to create with the mish-mash of ingredients you have currently in your fridges and cupboards – which is why I have launched #KookMyKitchen, a brand new series and email helpline, set up by the wonderful team here at RebelRecipes where you can directly email us with your foodie questions (in a lot more detail than social media word limits permits so we can really get in-depth and offer personal advice) – you can let us know what tins and packets you have in your kitchen cupboards, drawers and fridge & freezers that you have zero idea what to do with them; the team will not only send you across some delicious and simple recipe ideas on how to utilise your left-over and forgotten products helping you to cut down on food waste and need to shop but also offer lots of food storage tips and tricks to help preserve those ingredients and keep them fresher for longer.  

Each month I’ll also be taking someone’s kitchen list of ingredients and sharing a recipe here on my blog – the first being this delicious whole spiced cauliflower, requested by Tammi. She whipped it up after it went live and her whole family loved it!

I’ll also be sharing tips and tricks that you guys have requested on my newsletter and on Instagram, as well as regular Q+A’s and Kitchen Live’s with our whole team so we can all learn, create and eat together.  If you are struggling with knowing what to cook with what you have in your kitchen, or how to keep your ingredients lasting for longer – the KookMyKitchen team is here for you.

Just drop us an email at feedme@rebelrecipes.com with a list of products you want to use up, or images if it’s easier and we will get back to you as soon as we can with a list of recipes and tips and tricks! Alternatively if you have something you want us to cover on the article section on the blog – do let us know. Everything from zero-waste tips, to product roundups and more…  One of the most requested tips we have been asked since launching the #KookMyKitchen line and on the social media feeds is how to utilise certain ingredients in a multitude of recipes.

So, why not check out my Top Ten Recipes Using 

BeansFrozen Peas or Parsnips!

I also have a list of 30 store-cupboard recipes if you are looking for a pantry-based dinner tonight.  

And with Summer on the horizon (I cannot wait for the longer, sunnier nights) why not try these delicious recipes on your BBQ? 

Charred Hispi Cabbage with Sesame Edamame Gomashio

Roast Aubergine with Rainbow Slaw and Pea Avocado Hummus

And a little few bits on the side:

Baked Aubergine with Lentil Salad, Creamy Hummus and Roast Tomatoes

Roast Courgette and Green Bean, Chickpea and Broad Bean Salad

Sweet Roast Pepper and Chickpea Panzanella Salad

Roast Cauliflower, Fennel and White Bean Salad with Roast Tomato Salsa

With lots of love and flavour, Niki

The post #KookMyKitchen – helpline appeared first on Rebel Recipes.

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