Ultimate Top 30 Store Cupboard Recipes – Delicious and Vegan

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As more of us will be at home for the coming weeks with potentially less ingredients. We need to keep our spirits up and stay healthy.

I personally think that cooking and creating something delicious for yourself and your family is one of the best things to do when your feeling a bit anxious – I’ve always found it helpful anyway 😉

Luckily I’ve always loved cooking with wholesome and cost effective ingredients like pulses, rice, grains etc. So I think I can help… I’ve collated 30 of my favourites here for you!

You’ll find my favourite; Lentil, bean, chickpea, oats, rice etc

I really hope they are delicious and helpful.

Sending love at this time, Niki xxx

Lovely Lentils

1 – Roast carrot dal

2 – Smokey red pepper & lentil soup

3 – Baked aubergine with lentil salad

4 – Green lentil & spinach dal

5 – Best lentil bolognese with roast veg mash

6 – Smokey lentils with harissa cauliflower

7 – Creamy squash dal

8 – Smokey lentil & Cauliflower stew

9 – Beetroot dal with flatbreads

Amazing Beans

10 – Mung bean stew with gram flour flatbreads

11- Mushroom butter bean ragu with cheesy polenta

12 – Smokey beans with aubergine

13 – Roast pepper and caramelised onion white bean stew

14 – Roast cauliflower, fennel and white bean salad

15 – Spiced black beans with turmeric roast cauliflower

16 – White bean, coconut and roast red pepper stew

My favourite chickpeas

17 – Roast cauliflower aubergine, smokey red pepper and chickpea stew

18 – Roast cauliflower, baba ganoush, and spiced harissa chickpeash

19 – Sweet roast pepper, chickpea and panzanella salad

20 – Moroccan spiced lentil & chickpea soup

Mighty Oats

21 – Pistachio, date and almond bars

22 – Nutty oats choc chip breakfast cookies

23 – Strawberry coconut cream tart

24 – Oaty pancakes with avocado and mushrooms

25 – Summer berry crumble

All about the Rice

26 – Squash and mushroom pearl barely risotto

27 – Pesto risotto with mushrooms and tomatoes

28 – Mushroom coconut fried rice

29 – Roast veg chickpea and rice salad

30 – Green risotto – spinach and pea pesto

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