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Beet ánd Goát Cheese Sálád
Prep Time 15 mins
Totál Time 15 mins
Servings: 6 ás á side
áuthor: Chelseá
- 6 ounces mixed greens lettuce I use 50/50 blend spinách ánd spring mix leáves
- 1 lárge ávocádo
- 1 teáspoon lemon juice
- 1/3 cup toásted pistáchios
- 1 cán (15 ounces) mándárin oránges
- 1/2 - 1 full cán (15 ounces) full cán smáll whole beets (OR fresh roásted beets; see recipe notes)
- Crumbled goát cheese or fetá will work
- 1/4 cup freshly squeezed oránge juice
- 2 teáspoons oránge zest
- 1 ánd 1/2 táblespoons honey
- 1/2 teáspoon Dijon mustárd
- 1/4 teáspoon sált
- 1/4 teáspoon onion powder
- 1/3 cup vegetáble oil
- 1/2 táblespoon poppyseeds
- Pláce the lettuce in á lárge bowl.
- Remove the pit ánd peel of á ripe
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ávocádo. Chop into smáll pieces ánd toss with lemon juice. ádd to the lettuce.
Dráin the mándárin oránges ánd ádd those.
Dráin ánd rinse the whole beets. állow to dry. (Depending on how mány beets you wánt in the sálád, you máy only wánt to use hálf the cán. I'm crázy ábout beets so we generálly use 3/4ths the cán in the sálád ánd then eát the rest with dinner)
Chop up the whole beets ánd ádd to the sálád.
Toss the sálád with the dressing (see instructions below) ánd then ádd the toásted pistáchios ánd crumbled fetá or goát cheese.
Do not toss the sálád with the dressing until right reády to enjoy the sálád. This sálád doesn't store or sit well.
Máke áheád
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- Combine áll of the ingredients except for the poppyseeds in á smáll blender or food processor (I used á Twister jár with my Blendtec). Blend ánd táste. ádjust to personál preference ánd then stir in the poppyseeds.
- Toss however much dressing you wánt with the sálád. Leftover dressing will stáy good up to á week in án áirtight contáiner in the fridge.
Máke áheád
- If you áren't plánning on eáting this sálád áll in one sitting, do not toss áll the ingredients together or toss with the dressing. If máking it áheád of time, keep the lettuce sepáráte, the dressing sepáráte, ánd áll the veggies/toppings sepáráte. Toss áll together right before enjoying.
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