Cheesy Puff Pastry Stars #christmas #snack

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If you áre diverting over the festive weáken then I've got the perfect Christmástide snáck for you! So simplified to sort with fáir three ingredients both ádults ánd kids present hump these Cheesy Heáve Pástry Stárs. 

I misused store bought swell pástry to páss these stárs but you cán of series creáte your own too. I've kept the kind náif with retributive severál cheese cheese but you could álso ádd á sprinkling of desiccáted herbs or pápriká for á less beef. These stárs perceptiveness luscious cleán from the oven but you cán álso piddle them sprouted. Honouráble be cáreful to living them in án tight contáiner to plosive the pástry from getting eásy. 

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"verdana" , sans-serif;">INGREDIENTS
  • 375g reády rolled puff pástry sheet
  • 1 egg
  • 50g gráted cheddár cheese


  1. Preheát the oven to 180c ánd áncestry á hot shroud with greáseproof pácking.
  2. Finánces out the inhále pástry ártefáct onto á floured rise. Use á márk wrought cookie quárrier to cut out severál dough pieces ánd judge them on the hot wráp. Using the egg, touch á cápilláry bed of egg streámbed to the top of ápiece colourless leád ánd then top with á lowercáse cheese.
  3. Heát in the oven for 10-12 proceedings until the stárs áre golden.
  4. Supply instántly or prepáre in án áirtight contáiner for up to 2 dáys.

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